News 8 stopped by Arethusa Farm Dairy in New Haven

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — The hot and humid weather means ice cream shops are busy. News 8 stopped by Arethusa Farm Dairy in New Haven, where customers ordering cones say that is their favorite way to cool off.

John Whaley stopped in on Thursday morning. He loves the toasted coconut ice cream. “It’s really muggy and hot….it gives me an excuse to go get ice cream,” he said.

A visit to Arethusa Farm Dairy in New Haven is something kids and adults look forward to when the temperature rises.

“Right when I walked in through there I smelled the ice cream and it smelled really good,” said Matt Whaley, who stopped in on Thursday morning.

The hot weather means more waffle cones. Employees start making them as soon as they come in and they make them all day long. They expect they’ll be needing them. Arethusa Team Leader Chad Mack has noticed the store is much busier on hot days like today. “People come in sweating bullets, trying to get away from the heat, so they just want the ice cream,” he said.

The store opened in March, so this is its first summer in New Haven. Employees say they see more new faces on very hot and humid days. The store is sometimes full of people wanting cool off with a scoop of ice cream, and that’s something even the employees can relate to.

“I just want a scoop, I just want a scoop when I get in,” said Mack. “As soon as I get in out of that heat I just want a little sample. I grab myself a little sample all the time when I get in from the heat.”

The shop is typically the busiest after dinnertime. At around 8:30 employees expect the line to be out the door.


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