Philly's A Taste of Philadelphia Philly's uses only the highest grade prime or choice ribeye steak served on a freshly...
Pokémoto is a fast-casual style restaurant where customers select fresh ingredients to build their own custom poké bowls, poké salads...
Maison B Café offers traditionally prepared all-time-classic dishes, delicious pastries, chocolates, and daily breads home baked on the premises. Come...
As a family operation since 1969, Yorkside Pizza and Restaurant is grateful for the opportunity to serve you. They take...
Cookie 39 is a family-owned bakery with a commitment to quality, crafting each cookie from scratch with a meticulous attention...
On our menu, you’ll find the most popular American Chinese dishes, meticulously refined to be the very best. Seasonally, we’ll...
Ashley’s Ice Cream never uses any artificial colors or flavors. All natural, fresh ingredients lead to naturally the best ice cream!...
Tomatillo Taco Joint is dedicated to providing local communicates with authentic Mexican food using only fresh, all-natural ingredients. All their...
Loose Leaf Boba Company strives for real quality ingredients. Unlike conventional boba tea houses where artificial powders and syrups are...
Custom fresh healthy farm-market-bowls, made to order with a variety of toppings, including high quality grains, chicken, salmon, organic options,...
Willoughby’s Coffee & Tea is a local specialty coffee roaster that began in New Haven in 1985. The company roasts some...
Donut Crazy is a Connecticut-owned bakery creating flavorful, freshly-made, specialty doughnuts. Daily flavors include the favorites, like French Toast, Birthday...
South Bay offers an elegant twist on surf & turf with Mediterranean and Latin inspiration. The modern approach to coastal...
Harvest Wine Bar and Restaurant is the fifth restaurant endeavor for the Siguenza family. Their passion for food and wine combined with an...
Union League Café chef-owner Guillaume Traversaz’s experience in award-winning restaurants in France, England and Australia honed his passions and inspired his philosophy about...
Book Trader Cafe offers over 16,000 titles along with a range of delicious gourmet sandwiches, soups, coffee, & pastries made on...
Pacifico is restaurant located in the heart of downtown New Haven, serving Nuevo-Latino seafood, tapas, and popular mojitos in a colorful, two-story...
Tropical Smoothie Café in New Haven, believes there’s no better way to make a great meal than with fresh, natural, quality...
An authentic Latin American restaurant serving Arepas, Empanadas, Churros & more! Seasonal outdoor seating is available.
Blue State Coffee is a locally owned business - with four locations in New Haven - offering fairly-traded and ethically-sourced coffee....
Serving a seasonally rotating menu of Central and South Indian street food, Sherkaan combines the authentic flavors of India with...
Anchor Spa boasts a pan-Caribbean menu and an outstanding cocktail program that flirts with the island vibe and features inspired...
Those in the food industry know when a restaurant is on the Michelin Guide radar, all eyes, ears, and palates...
Bulldog Hotdogs is NOW OPEN daily for lunch and dinner in the kiosk on Broadway Island in downtown New Haven!
Moe Gad and Executive Chef Rafael Palomino, who have made Pacifico Restaurant one of New Haven’s popular dining destinations, have...
Atticus Bookstore Cafe is known for their delicious sandwiches and wide selection of books, making it a local favorite. Famous for...
Heirloom is located inside The Study at Yale hotel on Chapel Street in the heart of the Yale University campus. Heirloom utilizes...
Good Nature Market, owned by Sun Yup "Sunny" Kim, is an affordable market with healthy and fresh food. The Market has...